Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

September 2010

On Thursday 23rd September 2010 nine members met up and we were pleased to welcome a new member, Richard Dobson to the group. We read our stories about 'The Shopping Trip' and again there was a very varied approach to this seemingly simple topic. We were transported to such diverse places as Spain, Durham University and even to the lair of a Norse God.
To my great surprise, being a mere man, there were some amongst our lady members who confessed that they did not enjoy shopping . . . you ladies really do like to keep us surprised - I was always told it was mandatory!
We had also prepared short fifty word pieces. This was a fun exercise, a little more difficult than it sounds, however, to write something on any subject that had to be exactly fifty words long (not including the title) and stand alone as a meaningful piece of writing.
The group rose to the challenge and we had an interesting collection of our work to include on our board for the U3A Open Day meeting in September.

A description of a Lady - Angela Charles

Shopping - Annie Moss

Shopping - Jill Lane

Shopping - Joan Bond

Shopping - Mavis Sipple

A Beautiful Pair of Boots - Pete Norman

A Day's Shopping - Peter Rogers

Fairy Land - Richard Dobson

Hubcaps - Richard Dobson

A Shopping Trip - or Dante's Inferno Re-visited - Stuart Raine

Shopping Expedition - Vivian Brown

Fifty Words - Writing for Fun - Angela Charles

Fifty Words - Writing for Fun - Annie Moss

Fifty Words - Love Story - Jill Lane

Fifty Words - The Promenaders - Joan Bond

Fifty Words - Who's Who? - Mavis Sipple

Fifty Words - Gunslinger - Mavis Sipple

Fifty Words - Magic at the centre of the world - Pete Norman

Fifty Words - Another typical Workday Morning - Peter Rogers

Fifty Words - The Girl with the Poor Eyesight - Stuart Raine

Fifty Words - Forethought - Vivian Brown