Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

November 2015

On Thursday 26th November 2015 eight members met up, but we had three stories sent in by those who could not make the meeting. I know I keep saying it, but I think there must have been something in the water this month as the stories were exceptional. We had a great meeting with lots of laughter . . . and calories!

It Takes Two - Bob Wendelkin

It Takes Two - Diane Silverston

It Takes Two - Gerry Miller

It Takes Two - Jan Osborne

It Takes Two - Jeanette Rothwell

It Takes Two - Jenni Bowers

It Takes Two - Joan Bond

It Takes Two (2) - Joan Bond

One - Maureen Rampersaud

It Takes Two - Pete Norman

It Takes Two - Reg Pound

The impossible afternoon - Sue Barker

It's Our Own Fault - Vivian Burdon