Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

March 2014

On Thursday 27th March 2014 ten members gathered at my house, although the three who were unable to attend (two of whom were inconsiderately off to exotic places!) did send in their stories for us to read out, so we had a very busy, but very enjoyable, meeting.
As usual we had a very varied mix of takes on a common theme and I feel that I must share what was said to me at a recent U3A meeting (after our group presentation) 'What wonderful talent there is in your group.'
And of course, they were spot on with that comment!

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Diane Silverston

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Bob Wendelkin

Portrait Of A Woman - Gerry Miller

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Gwenda Syratt

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Jan Osborne

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Jeanette Rothwell

Salad Days - Jenni Bowers

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Joan Bond

We'll Meet Again - Maureen Rampersaud

When Shall We Three Meet Again? - Pete Norman

Trapped - Peter Rogers

The Two Of Them - Sue Barker

Weird Sisters - Vivien Burdon