Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

September 2013

On Thursday 26th September 2013 we had 6 members present.
The subject this month was 'The anxiously awaited letter'. Once again we had some fine pieces of writing to listen to and enjoy. Some were witty, some dramatic and a considerable amount of thought had gone into selecting the appropriate material to fit the title.
We also read out the stories we missed last month, as the August meeting was cancelled. These have also been added to those aleady on the August page on the web-site, so, if you read them straight away, you might find a couple you have missed on there.
There is also an addition to the July Hitchhiker page from Joan Bond - a wonderful story which had me guessing until beyond the end - I had to be put out of my misery!

The Long Awaited Letter - Bob Wendelkin

The Long Awaited Letters - Bob Wendelkin

A Piece Of String - Bob Wendelkin

The Anxiously Awaited Letter- Diane Silverston

The Official Letter - Gerry Miller

Leonardo - Joan Bond

The Letter - Maureen Rampersaud

The Anxiously Awaited Letter - Pete Norman

The Anxiously Awaited Letter - Peter Rogers

It's Not Easy Growing Up! - Vivian Burdon