Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

October 2011

On Thursday 27th October 2011, 8 members gathered at my flat.
Our topic this month was 'The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington' and were treated to a variety of lovely pieces as usual.
We were very pleased to welcome a new members, Betty Davis, who read out two delightful poems she had written.

The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington - Ann Southwood

Cold Turkey - Betty Davis

Celebration - Betty Davis

My Boy - Jill Lane

The Last Will and Testament - Joan Bond

The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington- Maureen Rampersaud

The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington - Mavis Sipple

The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington - Pete Norman

The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington - Peter Rogers

The Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Crudgington - Richard Dobson