Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

November 2013

On Thursday 28th November 2013 six members met at Maureen's house as Pete was in sunny Yorkshire for a few days.
For some reason best known to themselves they seemed to enjoy a meeting without their leader - words will have to be had to stop the mutinous thoughts!
The subject this month was a story based upon five words: 'Charlatan, Eagle, Rug, Gold and Thunderstorm'. It was [apparantly] another wonderful meeting, with lovely stories, lively discussion and a lot of laughs.
There was home made cake instead of that 'usual Iceland rubbish!' but maybe we might suppliment the mince pies with some Tiramasu at the December meeting yet . . .

Five Little Words - Bob Wendelkin

The Golden Eagle - Gerry Miller

Buying a Rug - Gwenda Syratt

Five Words - Joan Bond

The Charlatan - Maureen Rampersaud

Oracle - Pete Norman

Charlie Hopkins - Sue Barker