Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

August 2024

The Dusty Old Book - Marie Day

The dusty, old book stood alone on the shelf
Years since it ever was read.
The title was covered with grime formed by time
Until noticed there by myself.

I lifted the book and the dust swirled around.
My hand it was soiled by decay.
The filth was so greasy left on my skin.
Dust silently fell to the ground.

A look left and right to check I’m alone.
Then opened the book in my hand.
The dust flew up into my face.
I sneezed and let out a groan.

As the dust settled all round where I stood
I stared at the stained title page.
It told me the name and the who written by
But not if the contents were good.

The title so filthy; a problem to read.
Slowly working out words on the page.
The title became clearer my eyes really close;
Said ‘This Book Is All You Will Need’.

The smell of the book invaded my nose.
How long had it been on that shelf?
Many years by the damp aroma I smelt;
Filled my body right down to the toes.

The page crackled loudly as I turned the first leaf.
Trying hard not to tear what I’d see.
I folded it back with infinite care
To glimpse what was written beneath.

The trouble with grime and damp mixed together
Is it doesn’t do much for the ink
That wrote all the words in the dusty, old book
With a quill made out of a feather.

I screwed up my eyes to narrow the light;
To grasp what this book was about.
Was it worth my endeavours and use precious time
And possibly damage my sight?

I needed more light to consider for sure
What importance could there be in this book?
Did it warrant standing here in the gloom?
Or should I just walk out the door?

Just then as I stared at the page of the book
The air swam with dust all around.
> Surrounded my head and gritted my eyes;
The walls and the windows all shook.

The room became silent and still as before.
The tome stood again on the shelf.
The frost in the air was grave-like with cold.
The dust still covered the floor.

The dusty, old book stood alone shelved once more.
Minutes since last it was read.
I seemed to have left the room far behind.
Just footprints in the dust on the floor.