Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

March 2024

A Conundrum! - Marie Day

When I saw this title
I really was nonplussed.
It really is a problem
that has to be discussed!

A conundrum is confusing
and difficult to crack.
But if I put in lots of work
will I get answers back?

So, if I question deeply
uncovering clues immense;
will I find the solutions?
Will the problem then make sense?

Approaches may be different
depending on good luck.
Collecting loads of evidence
I still could come unstuck.

It depends on how important
the matter is to me.
When knowing the true outcome
will understanding set me free?

I really have no notion
of responses yet unseen.
So, I suppose that clearly
shows what a conundrum really means!

For life’s a real conundrum
when no answer can be had.
Sit back, feet up and rest the brain;
no need to feel that bad!