Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

October 2021

Predictions/Deception - Diane Silverston


Who could have predicted the events of the last two years?

With so many concerns and so many fears.

This new virus COVID19, who could tell?

That on so many people all over the World it befell.

With mass hospitalization and loss of so many lives,

Medical staff and the NHS to deflect it tries.

Wearing of mask on buses and in shops,

The rapid spread of it we hope it stops.

With people stuck at home during the lockdowns

It seemed on quiet and eerie in many towns.

Last Christmas was strange, no meeting family of friend,

One started to wonder when it might end.

Then incredible news, absolutely fab,

The scientist have come up with a viable jab.

At last some news to give us some cheer,

At centres and surgeries queues start to appear.

With first vaccinations, then later another one,

Now with the booster for many being done,

Teenagers being offered their jab at a steady pace,

And the annual Flu jab also in place,

Maybe we will be able to control this beast,

And at Christmas have our usual feast,

With a New Year coming, let’s hope for a better start,

So can be together and not kept apart.


Details don’t seem to be very clear,

Everything is slightly muddled and confused.

Can it be done deliberately?

Everyone is suddenly very evasive.

Pretending that they don’t know anything.

Treating the situation as not really serious.

Implying that it must have been others,

Or that they were not even there.

No one owning up to any involvement.