Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

June 2021

Witness (continuation of January's Greed & Escape) - Diane Silverston

Jacob was now sitting in the gallery of the courthouse, with many other people he recognised. They were waiting to hear Terry’s case. There was a general hum of conversations, quite subdued but obvious.

Suddenly all eyes turned to the dock as Terry appeared. His face paled as he glanced up and saw ex colleagues, ex friends and ex neighbours all staring at him. Even his parents at the end of one row seemed to be disowning him.

The case had started. Everyone was listening intently, more shocked as each new revelation of Terry’s misdemeanours came to light. Witness after witness bringing more scams to the notice of the court. Not just the ones Jacob knew of but really dangerous ones. Members of firms telling of money being fraudulently moved from their accounts. Police giving details of computer hacking proved to have been done by Terry, also of money being laundered by him for other criminals. The list just went on and on.

The Prosecutor brought more and more witnesses forward. Terry seemed to shrink in the dock, not so proud or defiant as he had been.

The Defence were unable to bring anyone forward as a character reference – they had no case to put forward, they really had nothing to say.

As the Jury left, the crowd in the gallery started to mummer. Terry’s parents were helped, by a court official from their seats. They looked shattered, stunned, unable to believe what they had heard about their son.

Before long the Jury returned and the courtroom was silent. The Foreman stood.

'What is your verdict?'

'Guilty on all accounts.'

'Is this agreed by you all?'

'All of us Your Honour.'

The Judge turned and looked at Terry, who was standing still in the dock. The Judge’s remarks were devastating, he stated that this was all the worst because Terry seemed to have no shame or remorse for what he had done and all the suffering and anguish had caused to so many people. The sentence was going to be the maximum he could give for these crimes. 6 years. Also all the proceeds from Terry’s assets should be used to reimburse those who had suffered at his hands.

Terry visibly shook and looked as if he might collapse as he was led away. There was a gasp from the gallery, mostly it seemed of relief. Jacob was surprised but realised a heavy cloud had been lifted. Everyone started to move towards the doors out. Jacob felt a hand on his shoulder. There was John.

'He got what he deserved. Now we must make the most and the best of our lives.'

With a shake of Jacob’s hand, John moved on.

Jacob realised justice had been done and he had witnessed it.