Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

October 2020

Behind Closed Doors - Diane Silverston

One can never be sure,
When you open a door,
What you might find,
Lurking behind!
Will you feel glad,
Or maybe just sad?
Will it be a surprise,
That will meet your eyes?
Will it be a shock,
That’ll give you a knock?
Will it be scary and dark,
Or like a walk in the park?
A room that you know,
Filled with firelight glow.
Or a room from the past,
You hurry from fast?
Will someone be there,
That’ll give you a scare,
Or will it just be,
A friend that you see,
One that’s known or new,
Standing smiling at you?
But one can never be sure,
When you open that door,
What you will find,
Lurking behind!