Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

February 2019

Mr Fix It - Sue Barker

The thought came to him in a blinding flash, it was 3 o’clock in the morning but he was suddenly wide awake. He knew what would solve the problem.

Bleary eyed but still buzzing with excitement at the breakfast table the next morning, he was even more certain he was right. So firstly he needed to go to work and sell his idea to the team.

Dressing very carefully, appreciating that image in his line of work is very important, he turned slowly in the full length mirror, a smile tweaking at his lips. Recognising that he was a genius, a god amongst men, that’s why he was on this earth, he concluded, that no-one else could touch him for intelligence. Confident he looked his best he set off.

He got into the car to go into the office, he looked around him and suddenly the day seemed brighter, the sun shone down on him. The journey was quick and he was stepping out of the car before he had time to complete a final check on his appearance in the rear view mirror but he knew he looked good.

He made his entrance swinging the office door violently, making it crash against the wall and the staff jump. There he stood resplendent. All eyes were on him, as he had intended. As he looked around the table at the people seated there he could see reflected in their eyes admiration, fear and in more than one case trepidation. This was just how he liked it, they were there to do his bidding.

As he opened his mouth wide and started to point his fingers, people could not believe their ears. He stood before his team, eyes glinting with determination, ‘I can fix this; all we need to do is build a wall between Mexico and the United States of America,’ said Donald Trump, ‘and what’s more it’s not going to cost us a dime.’