Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

February 2018

Last Summer - Diane Silverston

It was with some trepidation that she prepared herself that morning. The day had finally arrived. That inevitable day that she had been planning for over several months. That day that she had been worrying about had now finally come.

She needed something special to wear to give herself a boost, some confidence, some bravado. She needed to look her best. What she chose to wear would be like an armour against that inevitable strangeness, that weird feeling as the day progressed. She had to appear confident and strong even if inside she was in turmoil.

She was not sure why she felt so strongly about this day. What was it that made it so important, so vital to her that everything should go to plan?

There had been other days in previous years that had been important in her life. Many far more vital than this one, but something about this day made her extra nervous.

Was it because it had been her idea? Was it because it was a change from the usual routine, and she knew some people didn’t like change? Was it because she had to justify the extra expense? Or was it because it was a special time for so many other people who had put in the effort over so many years?

She knew everything had been thought out carefully, planned in every detail; but things could so easily go wrong, something unexpected could happen. Even the weather could go against her and spoil things.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. She got ready, wearing the new outfit bought specially, that helped. She began to feel the part, more confident. She collected everything she needed to take.

The four blue and yellow balloons with their weights, the three large cakes in their boxes, the congratulation banners, her lists, speech and camera.

Her friend arrived to give her a lift to the venue, not far away but with all she had to take impossible by bus.

They prepared the room, making it look festive, the cakes in pride of place. People arriving with smiling faces, happy to be there. She greeted them, helped them find their seats. Old and new friends were soon chatting away. The pianist was soon playing favourite pieces of music. The room was buzzing.

Another deep breath. She welcomed them all and the special afternoon tea could start. A Summer celebration. She could relax and start to enjoy herself. The day went well, the plan worked, 30 years celebrated.