Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

February 2017

Reporting in - Sue Barker

As requested here are my observations and findings.

We landed on planet Earth; the time and date 19th December year 2016 as determined by the terrestrial calendar.

Checking for adversarial conditions, our findings show invasion is highly likely. Information is beamed onto many devices; many of these are obsolete on our planet; our spacecraft is interfacing with data provided and improving information; see observations later.

One earthling appears many times on our radar. The information given by this human being is erratic and unintelligible; more information gathering is required.

Drone sent in to the area where most humanoids are gathering. Drone reports that risk of Conflict is high; and hear many references to warfare and invasions.

The humans are shouting at the earthling in charge. This earthling appears to be their leader. He is called President Trump. He shows much emotion and fear around invasion. He promises to build a wall to keep invaders out. Our belief of earth being progressive was incorrect; we have no threat from these people.

Conclusion there is no intelligent life force on earth.

Instructions received: ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK.

With his dying breath President Trump was heard moaning, ‘I warned you about the immigrants!’