Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

February 2017

Another World - Anna Browning

Mia sighed with relief as she closed the door with a slam, shutting out the sound of her parents’ angry voices screaming at each other. She strode off into the busy hum of London traffic. Her shoulders bowed down in misery. If only her parents would stop shouting at each other and sort out their differences. But that seemed to be impossible. Their arguing was getting worse, as if they really hated each other, it did not help that dad was an alcoholic. But what could she do? Nothing, she realised. If only they were like her friends’ parents, who seemed reasonably happy. A divorce seemed to be looming up in the near future. Her only recourse was to find alternative accommodation, perhaps in a house share. This would have to be done soon as she could no longer cope with this situation, despite her Mother relying on her money. She would have to try and find another way to help her.

As Mia walked along through the crowds she found herself outside the Royal Academy and noticed their latest exhibition was called ‘Revolution’ of Russian art. Mia’s greatest passion was studying Art history and visiting art galleries. She purchased a ticket and went in following fellow visitors around the room. She found herself in front of a large painting called ‘Fantasy’, by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. The subject showed a young man on a spirited, flaming red horse, galloping across the countryside. Mia stared at the painting intently, wishing she was also riding on the horse, holding onto the young man’s waist, galloping away into another world. How she longed to escape. Mia felt the man staring back at her and thought she saw his finger beckoning her in to join him. This must surely be a figment of her imagination. But she felt herself being pulled forcefully into this strange, brightly coloured world.

The horse’s flanks were quivering against her legs as she hung on. The wind blowing through her hair as they rode across and over the countryside, high up above the hills and villages. The exhilaration racing through her mind and body filled her with joy. The huge blue sky enveloping her body seemed to cushion her mind, against her depressing thoughts of her miserable life with her parents. They galloped on and on until the horse swooped down to a large lake gently coming to a stop. The man slid off the horse’s back and helped Mia down off the horse. The horse moved closer to the lake and started drinking the water. The man was silent but with a motion of his hand he invited her to sit down on the velvety green grass. He sat down beside her. She lay back and closed her eyes enjoying the warm sun on her face.

Mia suddenly felt her head spinning round and round, until she felt her mind black out entering a void of nothing. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking against a shadowy light. She then realised she was back in the gallery with people crowded around her, looking down anxiously. They were whispering, ‘Are you alright? Are you okay?’ Mia’s eyes rested on a curiously handsome face. Uncannily similar to the man in the painting. He stepped forward and checked her pulse, then looked into her eyes. Once he seemed sure she was well, he helped her up and sat her down on a chair someone had kindly brought over.

He introduced himself as Ivan, a medical student from a nearby hospital. Mia looked at him in shock realising he was the man in her fantasy. Her heart beat fast and loud making her feel weak and stupid. He checked her pulse and pronounced she was okay. ‘But I think you need a hot sweet drink to help you recover your faculties.’

He helped her up and put his arm around her to support her whilst walking towards the cafe nearby. Mia’s face was red and hot with embarrassment, but he was kindness itself. She stared at him unable to fathom what was happening to her. Ivan seemed like her saviour. Her knight in shining armour. Could this be really happening to her? Mia smiled across at him explaining what she had just experienced. He looked at her perplexed, but then laughed and said, ‘It was meant to be, a new adventure was beginning, who knows? A fantasy perhaps?’ They both laughed over their cups of hot drinks, staring into each other’s eyes.