Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

October 2016

The Parasite - Diane Silverston

'How much longer?'

'What do you mean?'

'As I say, how much longer? You said just a couple of days. He's been here nearly six months.'

'I know it's been longer than expected, but he is my friend and he has nowhere to go.'

'I realise that, but he has had time to find somewhere, he has made no effort at all. We have housed and fed him, he pays nothing towards his keep and does nothing at all to help.'

'He helped me when I was younger and starting at a new school.'

'That was when you were 7, now you're 35. We both work very hard at our jobs and I'm fed up having to come home after a long day and clear up after him. We have no privacy, he's always there. He must have other friends or family.'

'I don't think he has any other friends apart from me and his family live so far away, and he has nothing to do with them.'

'Well something has to change. It's costing us a fortune feeding him as well as us. In three months the baby will be here, and I'll have to stop work. We can't afford it. You need to speak to him.'

'But what can I say, he's all alone and got nowhere?'

'He has got to go and find somewhere else to live, we need the space. He has got to stop living off us.'

'Perhaps he could stay just another week?'

'No you have to tell him to go today. If you don't then tomorrow I'll pack up all my things and leave you.'

'You can't! Where would you go?'

'I can and do you really care? He may be your friend, although I think he is just using you, but we are your family.'

'But . . . but . . .'

'I mean it. I'll leave tomorrow if he's not gone today.'