Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

November 2015

It Takes Two - Reg Pound

I'm a little girl and I think I am quite bright for my age . . . 'cos that's what Mummy tells all her friends.

But I have a problem.

The other day I heard Mummy talking about one of her friend's little girls, and she said they were twins.

I asked Mummy if I was a twin, and she told me a twin is where two babies are born together at the same time with the same Mummy so, as there is only one of me. I could not be a twin.

But I am not sure; which is why I have a problem. I think there may be two of me.

I suppose you will want to know why. Grownups think they know everything. What they don't know or understand they don't believe in.

Take fairies and Father Christmas for example. Lots of grownups don't believe in them; so it just goes to show they don't know everything.

I'm going to tell you why there must be two of me: one for Daddy and one for Mummy. Mummy often says 'Who's Mummy's little girl?' meaning me. And Daddy often says 'Who's Daddy's little girl? meaning me as well.

They also call me by different names. Mummy calls me Elizabeth and Daddy calls me Little Liza.

Sometimes when I ask Daddy a question I must be the other little girl 'cos he often says 'Ask your mother.'

I've got two Granddads and Grandmas. One is Granddad and Grandma West; that's Mummy's Mum and Dad, and the other Granddad and Grandma Lane, that's Daddy's Mum and Dad.

I don't really understand why Mummy's Mum and Dad have a different name to us. My name is Lane. Perhaps the other me is West. I'll save that question up. I've found that if I ask a question that grownups can't quite answer in a way I understand. I'll get some sweets to keep me quiet.

When visit someone's house I always like to have a good look round. I like going in every room, opening drawers and cupboards.

Grandma Lane calls it 'healthy curiosity', but Grandma West scolds me for being nosey. How can only one little girl be both?

I've got an Uncle and Aunt who treat me as if I were two people.

When Mummy's sister buys me things for my birthday or Christmas, she gets what are called educational toys or books.

Daddy's brother always buys me chocolates and comics, and things that are fun to play with. Why would one little girl be treated as if they were two? That's what I would like to know.

I think that my Mum and Dad have got twins on the cheap. There really are two of me, but they only have to feed one and give me one lot of pocket money.

But now the other one of me is tired so I think we will both go to sleep.

It's goodnight from me . . . and goodnight from her.