Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

November 2015

It Takes Two (2) - Joan Bond

Takes two to tango, sing a duet and ride a tandem.

I find being a two is so much better than being a one. I suppose being on my own for so long my own company is fine but . . . you need someone to tell that. I don't like that, for a start, when going to a particularly modern art show, well {pushing up bosoms} I; I go to our 'ouse.

Winding wool into a ball is really 'ard when no one is holding the skein' although I find that decorating a room is better alone , ok when you have a strip of paper on the ceiling and it starts to peel down, you do need someone to hold the broom up before the other end starts but otherwise you are the lackey and learn so many profanities. Ooh, makes your 'air curl.

But you can't really hold your own hand and I really miss that. I tried to make it forbidden holding hands on the sea front, cos I really was jealous.

When I joined the U3A someone asked me to an old tyme dance, you will always have a partner they said. Yes but another woman where you danced, bust to bust, didn't cut it somehow.

Also with my husband being ten years older than I, it was good getting into all the exhibitions as a crinkly at fifty . . . or should that be a worry that they never questioned it?

But seriously have you ever thought it only takes two to start a bloody great population explosion? My in laws for instance, from old Polly and Tiny the old man's parents, seven kids, one stayed single but the other six expanded by twenty three children who now have forty two grandchildren but they are still producing with great grandchildren if you please! The two that started it all have nipped off but still leaves seventy two Bondies in circulation.

And does it occur to you that nature works in twos as well. Two arms, two legs, two feet, two eyes, two ears etc. And one mouth and one nose, you say, but two nostrils and two lips.

Got myself in a pickle now, I know you must be too bored with all this information but I have only done three hundred and two words. I can only say six twos are twelve, the number of our group, and that is one multiple I wouldn't like to be without.

Thanks for the mince pies kids.