Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

November 2015

It Takes Two - Diane Silverston

'It takes two babe, it takes two, me and you, it just takes two.' The song blared out from the radio perched on the edge of the kitchen table. Ralph and Margot glanced at each other and the stormy looks faded, a wry smile appeared, then they both burst into laughter.

'Typical,' shouted Ralph.

'What a coincidence,' laughed Margot.

Or was it?

The morning had started the same as any other. The alarm clock waking them from their dreams, the 'who first' about the shower. Then the rush downstairs to a speedy breakfast before heading off.

So what had happened to cause the stormy silence? What had started the caustic comments? What had made them argue? The evidence lay in the middle of the table in front of them.

The latest telephone bill!

It was larger than usual, frighteningly so.

Ralph and Margot had met at university and soon it was apparent that they were a couple. They were the same age, both studying History and had the same interests.

Now at 25 they were married and working. Ralph in a publishing firm and Margot in Historical research. They had bought their 3 bedroomed house eighteen months ago and had enjoyed decorating and setting up their home. They were able to pay their mortgage, other bills and save a little as long as they were careful. But the problem lay on the table between them.

That telephone bill!

Each had blamed the other and the caustic remarks had started, about various things but the climax seemed to be about friends.

'You spend hours talking to your friends every day,' moaned Ralph.

'What about you, when you're organising your football trips?' grumbled Margot.

That's how the argument had escalated as time passed.

Suddenly Margot noticed an entry on the bill. It was a call she had made home to her parents. She had been so excited she couldn't wait. She was to blame!

Ralph was also looking at the bill again. There it was, the call he had made. He had felt he had to phone his family immediately he had known. It was his fault!

'It's because of me . . .' they both said in unison, 'I phoned home. I was so excited and I couldn't wait until after six.'

They looked at each other and burst into laughter again.

'Australia in peak time!' stuttered Ralph.

'Canada at the most expensive time!' sputtered Margot.

'But it is marvellous isn't it? We're going to be parents,' gasped Ralph.

'Well it does take two,' laughed Margot.