Gaia was nervous, not only had she been summoned to the interstellar planetary meeting but she knew that Cronus and Poseidon were to be in attendance. She was well aware that Earth was not going to last much longer; much as the thought was abhorrent to her, the thought of travelling through God's eye to visit her family filled her with joy.
It had all started with the Earth human's Hubble telescope and its photos sent to earth. This could prompt the Earthlings to explore further. They had almost ruined their own home, now they were seeking someone else's to have a go at. The latest pictures from Hubble showed God's Eye and then the Hand of God; the council was most concerned, two of today's agenda Items concerned earth.
Cronus spoke first setting out his agricultural concerns, and they were many from fracking to de-forestation, the ozone and use of carbon fuels. His list seemed to go on forever, Poseidon then had his turn. Gaia's mood sank lower and lower, she had worked tirelessly with both her resources managers. Water, land and the air had all been poisoned or depleted. The humans showed such greed and were very slow learners.
Mars and Saturn then aired their views; the humanoids were too toxic to be saved. Plus the opinion of many councillors was that they would carry their destructive ways with them. The evidence was damning and soon the council all agreed; the motion was passed: only plant and animal life were to be moved. Hermes was then summoned into the council; his task set by the council was to identify an appropriate destination for all displaced flora and fauna. His suggestion was simple: around what the humanoids had identified as God's hand were a number of empty planets that had originally been used as way stations for the first migration before the last Ice Age. These could easily be used again. The plan was agreed and Earth's fate was sealed. Perhaps after the forthcoming clearance and new Ice Age the planet would be used as an experimental satellite again.
Gaia who had managed Earth as a research programme was now to be charged with the provision of answers as to why this huge experiment had such dire consequences. Mars Saturn and Venus were to make up the collaborative team, after all the experimental planets they had managed had also led to depopulation, their planets still remaining barren.
Gaia all of a sudden was not looking forward to going home; Earth was the only place where humanoids were test tube descendants from her very own ancestors. This would not be forgiven easily.