Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

Spotty Dog's Adventure - Janice Osborne

August 2014

Rosie was in the garden playing tea parties with her three favourite toys; Growly Bear, Ooni the unicorn and Spotty the dog.

She loved all her animal toys but loved Spotty the most. Mummy had made him as a birthday present. He was the best ever doggy in the whole world because he had soft, shiny black fur and was covered in spots in all the colours of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet and wore a beautiful blue velvet collar.

Suddenly big, noisy drops of rain began to fall. Splish, splosh, splish,slosh,splat! It fell faster and faster until Rosie and her toys became very, very wet.

Rosie did not like being wet so she packed her tea set back into her picnic basket. Looping the handle over one arm she gathered up all her animals and clasped them to her chest and held on hard. Then she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her towards her warm house and her Mummy.

The path to the house was very wet and slippery and poor Rosie tripped and fell. Everything she was carrying went flying including Spotty. She hurt her knees and began to cry for Mummy.

Mummy had heard her cry and rushed from the house to help her. Picking up the picnic basket she tucked Ooni and Growly under her arm and then scooped up Rosie and hurried indoors. She did not see Spotty because he had rolled across the lawn when Rosie dropped him and ended up at the edge of the pond. Spotty looked up sadly to see all his friends disappear indoors leaving him behind.

The rain suddenly stopped and the sun came out. Spotty dog was very, very wet and feeling a little sorry for himself. Suddenly he heard a croaky voice say 'Hey, Spotty, you do look funny. Whatever has happened to your spots?' The voice was coming from a little green frog, sitting on a rock in the pond. 'Look at yourself in the water.' he added.

Spotty looked down at his reflection in the pond and gasped in horror. The rain had washed away the colour from his once bright spots. Now they were all white. What was he going to do? He was sure Rosie would not love him without his beautiful rainbow spots. 'Please, Mr Frog, can you help me get back my coloured spots?'

'I'm sorry, I cannot help you, Spotty, but perhaps the clever fairies in the woods at the bottom of the garden might know a way. Go and see them.' With that the frog hopped away.

Spotty turned and walked towards the end of the garden. When he reached the woods he started looking very hard for the fairies. Suddenly he heard a sobbing sound from above his head. Looking up he saw the prettiest fairy in the whole world sitting on a branch just above his head. She had big blue eyes and long golden hair and wore a beautiful dress of many colours which sparkled as she moved.

'What is the matter little fairy . . . can I help you?' cried Spotty.

The fairy stopped crying and looked down at the little wet dog. 'Hello, Spotty Dog. Thank you for asking, but there is nothing you can do to help. I am Georgia, the Rainbow Fairy. My job is to paint a rainbow every time it stops raining. Look, I have all my paint pots and a big paint brush but I was silly and tried to fly in the rain and my wings got too wet to fly. If I have to wait for them to dry it will be too late to paint a rainbow and the Fairy Queen will be very cross with me.'

Spotty thought very hard then shouted with joy. 'I have the answer Georgia. I can take you where the rainbow should begin. I will run very fast. You will be able to paint your rainbow in time. Jump down onto my back and fasten your bag of paints to my collar and we will be off.'

As soon as Georgia was holding on tightly Spotty ran as fast as the wind to the meadow where the rainbow fairy said the rainbow should start.

Standing on Spotty's back Georgia painted a huge arc of red, then, underneath that, a smaller arc of orange, followed by ever smaller arcs of yellow, green, blue, indigo and lastly violet. It was the most brilliant rainbow Spotty had ever seen!

Georgia was sparkling with happiness. 'Oh thank you so much Spotty. That was the best rainbow I have ever painted and it was on time. The Fairy Queen will be really pleased with me. I could not have done it without your help. Is there some way I can repay your kindness? I can grant you one wish.'

Spotty, looking at Georgia, said, 'I really enjoyed helping you. Now all I want is for my spots to be all the colours of the rainbow again, just like before and to be tucked up in bed ready for Rosie to cuddle me at bedtime.'

Georgia laughed. 'Dearest Spotty that is really two wishes. But because you have been so very, very kind I can paint your spots using my rainbow paints and use your one wish to get you home.' When Georgia had finished painting on his spots she gave Spotty a big kiss goodbye and waved her magic wand. There was a whoosh! and then all went dark.

When Spotty opened his eyes it was morning. He could see Rosie's face close to his. Her eyes were closed. She was fast asleep in her bed. He looked down at his body. All his rainbow spots were back in place and he was home. Spotty sighed with happiness and said under his breath, 'Thank you Georgia, you are the most beautiful and kindest fairy in all the world and I have had the best adventure ever.'