Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

The Lure Of The Wild - Sue Barker

June 2014

Sarah looked around the sitting room; it was stuffy and hot, the TV was tuned into the usual chat show and she was surrounded by old people vacantly staring into space. How the bloody hell had she ended up in the Sunshine Retirement Home? she asked herself. What a misnomer that was, the Dismal Home for the Forgotten was more accurate.

She had lived here for the past six months since her much loved husband Billy had died. They had not been blessed with children so when Sarah was unable to care for herself any longer the People's Department of the local Council gave her a booklet of residential homes and somehow Sarah chose to come here. She was a quiet unassuming woman not given to making a fuss. All her friends had drifted away or died, that's sadly what usually happens when you reach 90 years of age.

The only way Sarah could escape the tedium of the daily routine was in her memories. She had always been a good girl according to her mother; she had towed the line and never caused any problems. She started work at 15 and didn't go through a rebellious phase – that just wasn't in her nature. If you asked anyone about her they would say she was quiet, slightly plain; nothing made her stand out from the crowd.

Aged 21 she married Billy; he was a steady chap. They met at work, Sarah worked behind the machine stitching slippers and Billy was a delivery driver. They courted for two years, saved hard and eventually moved into a home of their own. They had similar opinions and liked the same things. They rubbed along very nicely thank you. They had a few friends that they saw on a regular basis. Everything was orderly and safe in their world, the same routines and the same meals were adhered to. Nothing to worry about, they were content.

Billy was a caring husband, they shared a deep love but there hadn't been much passion. They had been virgins when they married and neither of them ever discussed their needs or desires in bed. It was definitely: its Saturday, its lights out, so tonight's the night.

Sarah opened her eyes, Mavis Brown had started to snore, oh great, thought Sarah, it won't be long before her false teeth drop and she'll start to choke. All Sarah wanted was to be left to reminisce quietly, now where was she, oh yes that's right, a small smile crept across her lips, and a soft sigh escaped.

What nobody knew, and nobody ever would know, was that Sarah had a secret. She had buried it deep and hugged it tightly for 50 years; it was the kind of secret that would stun anyone who knew her. Sarah didn't want anyone to know it, it was the only thing that was truly hers and it had comforted her many times over the years.

Although her life seemed humdrum she didn't want to change it, well not permanently, she just craved a little excitement. She pondered, maybe she could do something shocking, just once in her life. Then she could return to her normal life, carry on as good old reliable Sarah.

Then when she was forty she met a man, there was nothing particularly unusual about the meeting but there was such a feeling between them. Sarah had never felt like this before, she felt exciting and excited at the same time. It was pure lust; there was no other word for it. John was everything Billy wasn't, he was loud and gorgeous and very flirtatious. It happened when Billy was away delivering parts to a new factory so they arranged to meet. This was so out of character for Sarah but for once she felt so very alive. So for one night only they had made passionate love, it was wild and oh so very satisfying. John was a very experienced lover. When they said goodbye Sarah knew she could never risk meeting him again. It was her one night of madness. She knew she had everything to lose and really she didn't want anyone but Billy, it was her midlife rebellion, a gift to herself.

Nobody could have been more surprised at her actions than Sarah herself; over the years she did suffer moments of guilt but quickly buried them. It would only salve her own conscience if she confessed and she knew it would break Billy's heart. That was the last thing she wanted. So Sarah carried on as before and if things ever became a little boring she would close her eyes and transport herself to that night. She privately thought of it as the one time she had succumbed to the lure of the wild.

One of the residents opened their sleep crusted eyes, there was a big kerfuffle in the lounge, something had happened. A care worker rushed over to Sarah, but it was too late, she had breathed her last.

Everyone agreed she must have died happily in her sleep as she had a lovely smile on her lips. Well she had lived a long and honest life.