Southend U3A

The Long Awaited Letters - Bob Wendelkin

September 2013

My young great-niece wanted me to rewrite a story for her. She had chosen the story of Cinderella. So I sat at my computer and started to type, on the screen the words seemed to be okay but when I printed it out some virus must have got into my computer as some of the words and letters seemed to be mixed up and confused. So here is the story that I rewrote for her and printed out and I hope that the long awaited letters will eventually appear if my computer gets over this virus.

The Pandsome Hince decided that he would give a Brand Gall and invite all the Tamilies in his wity who had tingle haughters. He was cooking for a Teautiful birl to become his Teutiful Hincess.

The invite arrived at Blinderella's mouse. Blinderella's slugly step-blisters drabed the dinvite and sold Blinders that she couldn't go to the Gall. She had to glean the mouse.

Hime tarssed and the right of the gall arrived. Blinderella's sluglv Blisters got heady and went to the gall heaving Blinders to glean the mouse. Blinders sat there and cried with her bread in her hands.

Budenly there was a blash of Fight and Blinder's Hairy bod Mudder appeared.

'Blinders foo shall go to the gall,' said her Lairy Bod Mudder.

'Jet me these wings to fake you a Hoach and Corses, and a Toachman.'

Blinders bashed abound the mouse hectoring all the hits that her Hairy Bod Mudder bonted.

Her Bod Mudder bid her nagic and the bits burned into the Hoach and Corses and a Toachman.

Blinder's dress changed into a Teautiful mess and her boos became brass hippera.

'Bo to the Gall, but you bust leave before Nid-might. Or tevery ming will wispappear.'

Blinders tent to the Gall and pranced all night wit the Pandsome Hince. And the Pandsome Hince fell in dove with Blinderella. Tut she forgot about the lime and the hock truck welve. Her bits tarted to hange back. Blinders brushed away from the Gall, hut she tost one of the Brass hippers.

The Hince searched his tity for Blinders having all the girls try on the Brass Hipper to hind the one who it titted.

Eventually he hound Blinders and the Hipper titted her perfectly. Soon they were harried and jived nappily ever after.

Well when I saw what my computer and printer had done how could I read it to my Great-niece. I just touldn't hoot it.