Southend U3A

It's an ordinary cardboard box - Ann Southwood

August 2011

Scene - A small supermarket somewhere.

'Excuse me mate, can I have that cardboard box?'

'What box?"

'The one over there.'

'No mate you can't have it. It's got to go with the others.'

'If you've got more can I have two then?'

'No mate they've all got to go together, it's regulations you see, all this recycling rubbish.'

'Yes, I understand about recycling, but I need that box so I can move in a hurry and when I've finished with it I'll recycle it.'

'It won't be the same then, will it.'

'Well of course it will be the same. Instead of you doing it, I'll be doing it. Please can I have that box?'

'What's so special about that one. It's only an ordinary cardboard box.'

'Because it's there.'

'Yes, I know it's there, but it won't be in a minute as I'm going to put it with the others.'

'Well can I have them all then?'

'You said you only wanted that one.'

'I know I said I wanted that one, but any one will do.'

'Oh, changed your mind then have you. All this fuss over a cardboard box!'

'Look mate I really need that box. I'll give you a fiver for it.'

'A fiver eh. Well go on then you can have it.'

'Thank you.'

'Here, Fred, put another box out here, we've got another fiver to put in the kitty.'


What can a box hold?

Forgotten treasure which once gave pleasure
Childhood toys, letters from boys
Ornaments no longer used, books not yet perused
But most of all, memories
That's what a box can hold.