Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

November 2021

Choices - Lynn Gale

'Go on, which one do you want?' Jessie blew out a sigh of impatience. 'Just choose one.'

'Shush, It was my turn to pick first,' Jodie's hand hovered over the two doughnuts. 'The raspberry is so yummy, but the chocolate, mmm my favourite. 'Oh, I don't know which one to have.'

Their mother marched into the room, knife in hand.'Right, I've had enough,' she declared. 'I am not going to listen to you two arguing any more.' She sliced the doughnuts in half, placing a piece of each on their plates and headed back to her favourite detective programme.

Jessie stared down at the plate. 'That's your fault: You know I don't like halves,' her eyes blazed.

'Sorry Jess, do you want to swop my raspberry for your chocolate,' Jodie began, 'or maybe you would like my chocolate ...'

'No,' Jessie shouted, picking up her plate and heading up to the bedroom she had shared with her twin for twelve years. 'And don't follow me upstairs.’

Jodie jumped as the bedroom door slammed shut.

For identical twins, Jessie and Jodie Williams could not have been different. Jessie was loud, impulsive, determined and adventurous, her sister quiet, sentimental, indecisive, and easily led. Jessie was always getting them into trouble.

The sisters had drifted apart by the time they reached their twenties. Jodie was studying for a Veterinarian degree at Bristol University. Jess gave up her Law course after a year to work in London as a window-dresser.

Christmas was the only time that the girls got together. Jess, as usual, dominated all the conversation regarding her work and the exciting nightlife of London.

'How is your course going, Jodie?' Mr Williams interrupted. Jessie shot him a withering look.

'It's great, Dad,' Jodie smiled. 'I'm learning a lot there.'

'Have you had your arm up a cow's bum yet? Jessie sneered.

'Really, Jess, we are eating.' Her mother said firmly.

Jodie clammed up.

Jess went on to tell them about the man of her dreams she had met in 'Maxims.'

'The only place where celebrities go,' she bragged.

'How nice dear,' her mother asked, 'when will we meet him?'

'He's a millionaire, mum and always travelling abroad on business, but perhaps one day.'

Mr Williams raised his eyebrows. 'Be careful Jess, he may not be what he seems.'

'Oh dad, I'm not Miss Gullible.' ignoring Jodie's offended expression.

Jess nagged and cajoled her sister to spend a couple of days with her in London

'You will be able to meet Aaron,' she enthused. 'You can catch your train in a couple of days.'

Jodie wanted to get back to see Mark, she missed him, but Jessie always got her way.

Jessie's flat was untidy, crowded and small, her flatmate noisy and flamboyant.

'Wow, Jess said she had a sister, but not that you were identical.' Karis commented, taking note of Jodie's old jeans, t-shirt and doc Martins. 'Different taste in clothes, I see.'

'I'll lend you some of my things,' Jessie grabbed Jodie's hand and dragged her through a sliding door. 'This is my bedroom. You have to sleep on the blow-up tonight.'

Jodie stood in the room no bigger than a walk-in closet. 'Very compact,' she remarked.

'It suits my needs for now.' Jess pulled clothes out from a wardrobe above her bed.

'Anyway, I'm having a holiday soon. Aaron is going away on a business trip tomorrow morning and he wants me to join him after his meeting. He even brought me a gift along with the ticket. She opened up a black case and showed Jodie the impressive-looking camera inside.

'Oh Jess, what is he up to?’ Jodie was shocked, 'You have only just met him.'

'Don't be silly,' she laughed, 'You have no sense of adventure Jodie, he is my boyfriend, and he wants me to have the best.'

Two hours later, they were entering Maxim's, the new nightclub in Trafalgar Square. Jodie trying to walk in a straight line in a pair of Jessie's ridiculous high-heeled shoes. 'I'm going to break an ankle in these.'

'Stop complaining. You've never looked so good.' Jessie snapped. 'Here's Aaron,' her face broke into a beaming smile.

'Hello Jess.' A tall man with salt and pepper hair, even tan and dazzling white teeth, gave Jess a peck on the cheek. 'And obviously your equally attractive sister,' he leaned in towards Jodie, who pulled back. His mouth twisted in a snarl before the smile reappeared. 'Not exactly friendly, is she?'

'She's just not used to London life,' Jess draped her arm through Aaron’s. 'Can you get us a drink, please?'

While Aaron went off to get drinks, Jess faced her twin, 'What do you think of him?’

'I don't know Jess; he's a lot older than I expected.'

'He is forty-seven and super fit,' Jess retorted,

Jodie sat on the alcoved table watching Jess fawning over Aaron while he, for the most part, ignored her and was in deep conversation with another man, who every now and then looked Jodie's way. The feeling that something was not quite right bothered her. She was relieved when the two men left an hour later.

He's got a 4am flight.' Jessie said, dragging her onto the silver-tiled dance floor.

They finally arrived back at the flat at three in the morning and Jodie spent the next few hours tossing and turning on the blow-up bed, which squeaked in protest every time she moved.

As the light came through the tiny window, she eased herself up, stretched and shuffled into the small kitchen. Filling the kettle, she flicked it on then found a clean cup. Taking a half-empty carton of milk from the fridge, she gagged as the smell of sour milk assaulted her senses. Agitated, she dressed quickly and headed downstairs to the dirty street filled with last nights debris. The street cleaners were out in force, whistling and calling to each other.

Shouts of 'Morning beautiful' and 'Allo Gorgeous' reached her ears. 'Not acceptable nowadays, she thought but rewarded them with a curt 'Morning.' One put his hand over his heart and pretended to swoon. Jodie laughed.

Finding a little shop that sold everything from apples to Hookahs, she picked up a bottle of milk and, on impulse, a packet of croissants. As she was paying, her phone beeped; it was a message from Mark, 'Missing you, Jodie, can't wait to see you.'

Her heart fluttered as she replied, 'Me too,' with a love heart emoji.

Waiting to cross the road, she noticed the silver-grey Mercedes speeding along the narrow road. Giving the driver an angry glare, she was shocked to find Aaron behind the wheel, an attractive woman in a light grey suit sitting in the passenger seat. In the back were two young girls in school uniform with red berets laughing and swaying along to the loud music audible from the vehicle.

What was going on? Aaron told Jess he was flying out to Mexico in the early hours and who were the other people in the car?

Heading back to the flat, she woke Jess up and relayed what she had just seen.

'I'm sure that there must be a reason why they were in his car.' Jess bit her lip.

'You said he had no family. Also, he should be on his way to Mexico by now,' Jodie argued,

'Do you think he is married?' Jess asked. 'And I was ready to fly out on my own to join him.'

'Yes, I wonder why,' Jodie felt sorry for her twin. 'Let's take a look at the gift he gave you.'

Taking the case from her wardrobe, she clicked it open.

Jodie took the camera and lens out, placing them on the bed, then picked up the case, 'It feels heavy.' She turned it over, a sprinkle of white powder drifted down from a tear in the fabric.

Breaking News

Apollo Papos, Known as Aaron Pope, fifty-four, was arrested this morning on drug-running charges. Pope used young, attractive, naive girls to smuggle heroin in lead-lined camera cases into Mexican Airports before arranging transportation into the US. As a result, four women already serving long prison sentences in harsh Mexican prisons will now have their cases reviewed after being duped by Pope.

Jessie sat on the couch in their family home; she squeezed her sister's hand as tears ran down her face. 'I need to make better choices from now on.'