Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

September 2021

A Recipe For Disaster - Diane Silverston

'You can’t be serious!'

'What do you mean?'

'It’ll go wrong. You know it will. It always does.'

'I don’t get what you are saying.'

'You haven’t thought this through. You’ll just rush ahead. You don’t have a proper plan.'

'Maybe, but it needs to be done.'

'Not by you.'

'It has to be me. I was the one attacked.'


'By their comments.'

'Did you actually hear the words? Were they said to you?'

'No, but I was told.'

'Can you be sure what you’ve been told was actually said? You know what happens in Chinese Whispers?'

'But it was a good friend who told me.'

'Did they actually hear the comments, or were they told by someone else?'

'I don’t know.'

'Perhaps you should check first.'

'They wouldn’t lie to me.'

'Perhaps not, but if it was told to them by someone else, how can you be sure?'

'I suppose I can’t. So what do you think I should do?'

'Check your facts first. Talk to your friend again.'

'If you think that’s best.'

'I do.'

. . . Some days later we met up again.

'How did it go?'

'I’m glad I took your advice. My friend told me more. She had been informed by others, who had heard it from friends.'


'Some of what I had been told was correct, but most of it was very mixed and muddled, not at all clear, muttered in passing.'

'So what did you do?'

'I decided to ignore it. Told my friend as long as I had people who really knew me, supporting me, I would be fine.'

'Well done. That’s the right path to take.'

'Thank you. You saved me from making a fool of myself, making things worse.'

You’re welcome. If ever you are concerned or facing a dilemma, talk to me. We can reason it out and stop it escalating.'

'A friend in need, is a friend indeed.'