Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

June 2020

Oh for a haircut/Painted Nails - Diane Silverston

Oh For A Haircut!!
Why didn’t I get my hair cut,
At the start of March when I had a chance?
Before the Corona Virus really hit,
And Lock-down suddenly started.
Now when I look into the mirror,
I don’t recognise myself at a glance.
I can’t see where my hair used to be parted.
It has grown so long, I can get it into a ponytail or bun,
I’ve had to buy curlers again and also clips.
It’s now really going white, which isn’t much fun.
People have given me scrunchies and a slide that grips.
When, oh when, do you think it might be,
That the ‘powers that be’ relax the lock-down more?
I’ll be one of the first in the queue, you’ll see,
Waiting patiently in line at the hairdressers’ door,
To be invited in, and allowed to take a seat.
And watch those scissors work, as hair falls to the floor.
Then you’ll see me, once again back to looking neat.

Painted Nails
It all started with calcium tablets I had to chew,
I noticed my nails had started to grow,
Without the splits and nasty cracks.
I was able to file them into some shape.
Then whilst clearing out a bedroom drawer,
I found a half bottle of clear varnish,
Which I decided to use.
When a friend saw my shiny nails,
She gave me a bottle of deep purple.
As I waited in the chemist one day,
A bottle of pink I decided to buy,
And my nails became alternative shades.