Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

September 2018

An Endless Story - Bob Wendelkin

The man sat with his young son and others of the family in front of the log fire. It being Christmas the family had gathered together and were now telling stories. Few of the family really knew what the man had done with his life. They knew that on various occasions he would suddenly disappear.

The young boy then asked his father quite suddenly, ‘Do you believe in UFOs, only there has been lots of programmes on the TV about UFOs?’

He was taken completely by surprise by this question.

‘Why do you ask?’ asked his father.

‘Well Granddad said that you seemed to have something strange going on in your life and I can’t think of anything stranger than UFOs,’ answered the young boy.

‘Do you believe in UFOs?’ asked the father of his young son.

‘Well when I look up into the night sky I see millions of stars shining in our galaxy the Milky Way and from looking at The Sky at Night on TV we are told there are millions of galaxies containing millions of stars each may have worlds circling them in the Golden Zone. So just on probability I feel certain that some of them may contain life. The big question is if that life is sophisticated enough to be civilised and able to build inter-Galactic space craft,’ answered the young boy.

‘Yes Dad, but do you believe in UFOs?’ asked the boy.

‘In 1980 near Ipswich at a place called Rendlesham Forest between two American Airbases, unknown lights were seen in the Forest and a number of American Airman went into the Forest and saw strange things. A Senior Officer with a hand held tape recorder moved towards the lights and as he did so he recorded what he was looking at as he walked towards the light. I’m sure that Officer was certain that he was looking at something from another world. The UK Government had the report and I was fortunate enough eventually to become part of that group that got to the forest within a few hours of the initial report,’ replied the old man.

‘Have you seen any UFOs yourself?’ asked his son again becoming a little fidgety.

‘When I was your age I asked myself the same question and I came to the conclusion that on probability that life is out there. Then on one occasion it was getting dark and I was out in the garden and I looked up and I saw something hovering over the hills, at first I thought it could have been a helicopter searching for something. So being curious I got my bike and started to cycle towards where I could still see the flying object. As I got closer and looked at it with my binoculars, it wasn’t a helicopter it was a triangular shape. It had four lights on the bottom one in each corner and one in the centre that pulsed different colours. As I got closer the object seemed to move towards me. It came to a point directly over my head and stopped.’

‘Were you frightened, dad?’ asked his son.

‘No, I was your age and like you I was curious about such things I had only read about in the Comics like the Eagle,’ replied his father as he began to relive the experience.

‘Then what happened?’

‘Well suddenly a bright light shot out of the bottom of the object and I was bathed in its light. I felt I was being lifted up into the air and into a hole in the object. Everything was hazy, I felt I was surrounded by bodies and I was placed on a table. I don’t remember any more until I was back on my bike riding back home. I later found I had a small mark on my arm,’ said his father as he rolled back his sleeve to show the boy a scar was still there.

‘Does it hurt?’ asked the boy as he pushed his finger onto the mark.

‘No but when it was there I sometimes had a feeling in it and I felt I had to go somewhere and I seem to lose track of time, then I’m back with the family but that doesn’t happen anymore,’ said his father as he cuddled his son.

‘Sometime later I had the area of the mark investigated and they found a small piece of metal in my arm which they removed and examined. They found that it was made of a very rare element which they estimated that the Earth only contained about a Ton of the stuff in the whole planet.’

‘Did you tell anyone what happened to you?’ asked the boy.

‘I told your Granddad but all he said that I had been watching too many Sci-Fi things and that I should grow up. So I didn’t talk to anyone about it but later in life I joined the Civil Service and got myself into the Ministry of Defence. Gradually I found out that they were concerned about UFOs flying in UK airspace; the Americans for awhile had a programme called Blue Book. They were not saying they were Alien flying saucers but they were concerned that they could be potential enemy aircraft penetrating western airspace. We were concerned because there was a cold war going on with the Russians,’ said his father.

‘When people reported they had seen UFO’s very soon after, there are various stories on TV about how they were contacted by the Men In Black. These individuals seem to turn up and intimidate the people who have reported a UFO telling them to keep their mouths shut or else,’ said the son.

‘Did you see any Men In Black after you saw the UFO?’ asked the boy.

‘No, my father told me I must have been dreaming so I said nothing,’ he replied.

‘What do you think now?’ asked the boy.

‘I think that some of the things that are seen can not be explained, they could be UFOs. And if they exist they have been in contact with some governments of the world.’

‘It is possible that something has put pressure on governments especially the US Government to be careful about going into space. Have you ever wondered why we have not been back to the moon in the nearly last fifty years?’

Post Script

What he didn’t know at the time was that his son had written up his story and put it onto the Net.

After the story was posted about him seeing a UFO he had some experiences with the Men In Black. At first he didn’t believe these people actually existed but a day after his story went on the Net, outside his house he saw a car with two men sitting in it. They were wearing black suits and had black hats on, which he thought strange for people sitting in a car, and they also had dark glasses. The car stayed outside his house not moving for several days.

When he went shopping standing behind him at the Supermarket check out were the two men. This happened on several occasions. He felt he was being stalked for the next few weeks they were there. He reported them to the Police but they were not interested. It came to the point that he felt he had to do something about them. He was at that time an Honourable Member of the local rugby club, so one night at a practice he told a few of them that he was being stalked. He was surprised at their reaction they said they will sort them out.

The black car was once more parked outside his house when the boys arrived. They went to the car doors and opened them. Then the boys grabbed the men by the collar and his father looking into Man In Black’s face. He asked them why they had been stalking him. Their answer surprised him and left him totally gob-smacked.