Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

August 2018

Bucket List - Bob Wendelkin

John was coming near to completing his list of tasks that he had been set, this one was to be his last. At this time he was unaware what task would be set for him but on its completion he would be free to choose his next move. He had been badly injured, he had been in his bed being kept alive by all manner of mechanical means, that fed him, that breathed for him. During this time his mind was clear and he was aware of this world and another around him. Often mysterious voices that seemed more spiritual in nature, gave him the ability to fly away from his bed and complete tasks that they set for him.

'Ah! John you are awake' said the voice.

'What do you want me to do?' asked John using his thought process to conduct the conversation.

'This will be the last task that we wish you to complete. As you know complete this and you will be free to decide your future,' replied the voice.

'Tell me what you want me to do?' asked John.

'The task hasn't happened as yet, we will take to you to see how things develop. But we think we know what will happen. Come,' said the voice.

John felt his spirit lift from the bed and he began to float along with his visitor. Soon they were settling into a rehearsal room where young Ballet dancers were completing their practice. The girls had been rehearsing for their performance of Swan Lake. John had always loved the Ballet and he felt it a privilege to be in this theatre watching the girls rehearse.

'Natalie, come here I want to talk to you about your dancing today.'

As soon as John saw at Natalie it was like magic, John felt himself falling in love with her. He couldn't say what it was about her, was it her hair, her face or the way she moved, it was as if he had always known her.

'Yes Madam,' replied Natalie as she crossed to where Madam sat. In her mind Natalie was asking herself what she had done wrong, as Madam doesn't usually converse with the junior members of the Cours de Ballet unless there was a problem.

'Yes Madam,' said Natalie as she made a curtsy.

'I now want to see you dance the part of Odette as she leads the group of swans on their first entrance.'

Natalie had often seen it danced and even had danced the part in a provincial theatre before she joined these elite London dancers.

'But Madam, I've not danced this part for sometime,' replied Natalie.

'At this moment I'm not worried about the accuracy of the dance, steps can always be learned, I want to see how you move, how you sympathise with the music. Now show me Your Odette.'

The music started and Natalie began to dance within a few steps all nervousness had left her, the music had taken over her body and she moved as if she was that swan.

'Enough, enough,' cried madam as the music was turned off.

'I'm sorry madam,' cried Natalie as she moved to where Madam was sitting.

'There is nothing to be sorry for Child, you did your best. You have all the qualities I look for in a Prima-ballerina, in the near future you will dance the part of Odette,' said Madam as she got up from her chair and put her arms around Natalie. 'Go now get changed and be ready for to-night's performance, Go now.'

'Come John we must wait for her in the outside world,' said the voice.

Natalie's mind was no longer with her, she moved and showered and dressed totally automatically. The thought that she could become a Prima-ballerina was something she had dreamed of from the time when she was a young girl but never thought it would happen. In a world of her own, she left the theatre to make her way to her flat, so much was her thoughts elsewhere she didn't see the Cyclist bearing down on her. He riding so

* * *

'Come John this is where your final task begins,' said the voice.

They floated following the ambulance as it carried Natalie's broken body to the hospital. Such was the damage to her body that she was quickly rushed to the operating theatre.

'I've seen the X-rays of her leg, the damage is so great I think it will be better for her to amputate the leg just above the knee,' said the surgeon as he looked at Natalie's X-rays.

'But, sir, you know that she is a Ballerina, if you take her leg off she will never dance again,' said one of the nurses who could not contain herself in addressing such a senior member of the medical profession.

'Who said that! If I leave it on she won't be able dance anyway, and she my loose her life because of gangrene. No I'll take it off,' said the surgeon.

'Come, John now is your last task. You will be given all the skills necessary to save her leg,' said the voice.

The next second John felt himself dressed in the clothes of a surgeon just outside the doors of the operating theatre. With his foot he pushed open the door to the theatre where Natalie's broken body lay on the Table surrounded by the Medical team.

He walked towards the table and looked at the X-rays of her leg, then he moved to the table itself where she lay.

Somehow the Voice had used his powers and no one in the theatre seemed to question who this new surgeon could be.

'I will save this leg and it will be as if nothing had happened to it and she will become the Prima-ballerina she always wanted to be,' said John as he picked up the scalpel and made his incision. He worked with such speed those surrounding the table could hardly believe their eyes.

First John joined all the arteries and veins to establish blood flow to the leg once the operation was completed. Then he joined all the nerves that had been damaged, then he repaired the muscles and ligatures, finally he joined all the broken bones together. Then with the finest of stitching he closed the wound. Such was his work that it was almost impossible to see where he had operated.

Then without any warning he bent over and kissed Natalie on the forehead. Before anyone could stop him he left the theatre and once outside he faded.

'Well done John. You have saved her leg and she will go on to become a great Ballerina,' said the voice.

'Could you take me to see her comeback performance,' asked John.

'It will be my great pleasure,' replied the voice.

* * *

The orchestra was coming to the end of the overture and the curtain began to swing open. Natalie began to dance once more the music took over her soul and her steps glided across the stage. She knew that her leg was healed but she was now certain that there was something else apart from dancing to be gained, something was missing from her life.

'Well, John you have completed all of your tasks, you now have a choice of how you should continue. Do you come with us or start another list or return to your life?' asked the voice.

'I think I have fallen in love with Natalie, the first time I saw her dance, then as I kissed her in the operating theatre, and now as she dances. Please could you return me to Natalie as a complete man,' asked John.

'I can return you to Natalie's presence but it will be for Natalie to decide her relationship with you, I will not interfere with her emotions,' replied the voice.

'Do that then and wish me luck,' said John.

The Voice once more worked his magic and on the bed where he had been he awoke fully recovered and without any help he removed all the tubes, he got out of the bed found some clothes and left the hospital.

* * *

The voice moved John so he found himself at the side of the stage with a large bouquet of flowers. The music ended and Natalie rushed off the stage and bumped into John's arms.

'Steady, Natalie you were wonderful,' said John as he looked into her eyes and smiled.

'Do I know you?' said Natalie with a feeling that he was someone she had met before.

'In another life perhaps, not now but I hope you will,' replied John as he placed the flowers into her arms.

Natalie returned to the stage to take her curtain calls as each time the curtain swept close she looked across to where John was standing. She knew and he hoped.