Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

September 2017

Letting Go - Bob Wendelkin

As Jean watched his breathing become shallower she realised it was coming time to let go. She took hold of his hand and bent over and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. For a moment she felt that he understood as there was a gentle squeeze on her hand. It almost seemed if he tried to speak then he relaxed as the effort was too much.

'There, Frank, thank you for our life together and our wonderful children. I couldn't have wanted for more. Thank you but there comes a time when we have to let go. Please wait for me until we meet again,' said Jean as she felt that Frank needed her permission to go and end his suffering.

Once more she squeezes his hand. Then she relaxed into the chair and looked at him. Not only was it right for Frank, the letting go was also right for her.

* * *

As she sat beside him she remembered the first time she had met Frank. The head teacher came into the class of 6 year olds with a young boy.

'We have a new member joining our class today. He is called Frank and I expect you all to make him welcome and become his friend,' as she took Frank over to the class teacher.

The teacher knew she was to have Frank and she had decided to put him next to Jean. She felt that Jean needed to have someone to be with her as she sometimes seemed to be so alone. Often she would go into the playground and see Jean just standing on her own against the wall often with a piece of ribbon in her mouth as she watched the other children run and play.

'Jean I want you to look after Frank and see that he becomes a happy member of our class,' said the teacher as the headmistress left the room.

'Well Frank tell the class about yourself,' said the teacher as she stood behind him.

Frank, for a six year old, didn't seem to be shy; he stood in front of the class full of confidence and told them some of his story.

After he had finished the teacher was quite amazed at his story of how he had lived in Africa and kept some strange animals as pets; how his Father had helped build a factory and his Mother had helped to teach the children in the local school. His new teacher felt that the time he spent there had aged him beyond his years.

'Now class we will do some arithmetic, the questions are on the board.'

'I want you to sit next to Jean, she will help you settle into our class,' said the teacher as she took him to Jean's desk.

'Come on, Frank write your answers down.'

'Please, Miss, I don't have to, I've worked them all out in my head,' replied Frank.

'Don't be silly, you can't have done that.'

'But Miss . . .' then Frank out loud gave the answers to all the questions.

The teacher was surprised as all his answers were correct.

'You are right Frank, but don't spoil it for the other members of the class. I'll give you another harder question.'

The teacher then started to write a complicated sum on the board. Almost before she had finished Frank gave the answer to the question. The teacher didn't answer at first as she had to work out the answer.

'Quite right,' she said almost speechlessly, 'now sit with Jean and I'll sort you out once the class has settled.'

Jean shifted as Frank eased himself more into the desk. He looked across at Jean and gave her such a smile that she had never received in all her life.

It was like magic from that moment, Jean found that with Frank sitting next to her gave her the confidence to become more of the person she always wanted to be, which the circumstances of her family life had prevented. Gradually with his help her results in the class improved as Frank was always there to explain and support her.

The teacher noticed that at playtime Jean was no longer the young girl standing alone against the wall she was enjoying Frank's companionship, there was something about Frank that was beyond his actual age. Frank and Jean, even at this young age, knew that there was to be a lifelong bond between them.

* * *

The years flowed and Frank and Jean together passed the various exams, first the 11 Plus, GCEs O and A to such a level that both would be welcome at the very best Universities in the country. The problem was that while Frank's family were very happy to support him, Jean's family, particularly her father, couldn't see the point of spending any money on a girl's education.

Frank was determined that both he and Jean would go to the same university and a plan began to form in his mind. He was fortunate that his grand-father had made a provision in his will that Frank would inherit a fair amount of money on his 18th Birthday. If he decided to go to university, his grand-father wanted him to have the money to really enjoy his time there. Frank decided he would invite Jean to go on an all expense paid tour of the USA.

He wanted to take her to Las Vegas where he intended that they should get married even though they were only 18. That way she would no longer be under the control of her family but become a member of his. She could go to university with him.

When he explained his plan to Jean, although she was happy to marry Frank, she wasn't really happy that her family were out of the equation especially her mother for whom she had deep compassionate feelings. Frank convinced her that his family wouldn't be there either but it was their day not the families. He said that when they got back they could have another ceremony for the families.

They went to the USA and there they married, his family were delighted as they always knew that she was destined to become Frank's wife.

* * *

As Jean sat there looking at Frank she thought that their marriage was one of the best things that happened to her and it all sprang from the day a teacher sat Frank next to her. Was it all by chance or something else she wondered that changed her life so much and hence that of her two younger sisters and later that of her mother.

At Uni both studied hard but it always seemed easier for Frank. With his help Jean was able to get very good results. At the end of their first degree both were invited to take a PhD. As Frank's inheritance had increased when he became 21 both agreed to stay on and become Doctors.

A Doctorate was something that Jean thought could never happen to a girl like her. Here she was a doctor and married to a man she loved and he with her.

It was at this stage in her life that she decided that the pair of them would go into business together and set up a Genetic Research Company. When she told Frank what she would like them to do it was his reaction to her suggestion that totally surprised her. He grabbed hold of her, he gave her a big kiss. He told her that he was so pleased he had waited for this moment, this was the first time that she had really made a serious decision, at last she was becoming a woman in her own right.

Together they set up the business and it became very successful. She had to take time off so that she could raise the children. One of their children was very interested in genetics and eventually took over the company. Gradually both she and Frank drifted into retirement, both felt they were gradually letting it go.

* * *

In their retirement they travelled, they preferred to go on ships that sailed the world. They would get off at countries where Frank had visited when he was a child.

Together they had grown older and Jean reflected how much she had enjoyed her life. Now as she sat next to Frank's bed she could see that their time together would soon be over. She held his hand and his breathing became even shallower.

'Go my darling, I'm alright, I can manage now, you taught me well. Always remember I loved you so very much.'

As she said her last words to Frank, he squeezed her hand as he made his final goodbye to her and this world.