Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

August 2015

Visitors From Space - Bob Wendelkin

Jessica had just finished her University degree and was resting in her parent's garden sunning herself as she contemplated a career in either Physics or Teaching mathematics.

Her mother came out into the garden to tell her that Uncle Stephen was on the 'phone and he wanted to talk to her about a job where he worked. She knew that he worked for the MoD at Foulness but she didn't know what he actually did, as whenever she asked him he always changed the subject, however she thought it must be important as he had a string of degrees to his name.

'Hello, Uncle Stephen, what can I do for you?' asked Jessica.

'It's more what I can do for you. I understand from your Mum that you are looking for a Job. I think I have the very one for you. Could you come here tomorrow for an interview. If you are interested I'll have a car come and pick you up tomorrow,' replied Uncle Stephen.

'I'd love to. Can you tell me what it's about?' asked Jessica.

Uncle Stephen didn't answer that question, as usual, but just said the car will be there at 9 o'clock.

The next day the car appeared and Jessica climbed aboard and they set off for the MoD at Foulness. When she arrived at the gatehouse a man was waiting for her and he quickly saw that she was issued with the appropriate gate pass.

'It's not too far to my building, we can go in my car,' said the man.

They got into the man's car and they set off to where a high double fence surrounded a building. At the entrance of the building stood two armed soldiers.

Jessica was beginning very concerned by this amount of armed security, she was not sure she wanted to work in such an environment. She was quickly ushered through and escorted to a wood panelled room where three men sat behind a table.

'Please sit down. This interview is different to usual interviews as you already have the job. Your mentor has followed your progress for some time. If you want to join us just say 'Yes' said the chairman.

'What is the job? I'd like to know more,' replied Jessica.

'Quite right, but this establishment has secrets. Before we can go any further I must tell you that if you disclose anything you see here it will prove fatal for you, and I mean that in a deadly manner,' continued the chairman.

'You mean in a literal way,' asked Jessica.

'Very,' answered one of the Panel.

Jessica was always one where any secret would niggle at her until she found the answer. Here she was faced with such a secret that any disclosure could be fatal.

'I'll take it. When can I start?' replied Jessica.

'Now, but you must have a chip put in your arm so that you can pass through various doors. Dr London will take you round our little establishment after you have been chipped,' said the chairman.

Dr London took Jessica to the medical department where a chip was inserted. Then they went to a lift where they seemed to descend forever into the ground. Finally the lift came to a stop and the doors opened into an empty corridor.

'Just pop your chipped arm against the reader to let them know you are here,' said Dr London.

Jessica did as she was told, following Dr London's example.

'What would have happened if we hadn't checked in?' asked Jessica.

'The corridor would have filled with poison gas, but call me John,' replied Dr London.

Finally they came to a door; once more they had to use the chip reader and the door slid open.

In the centre of the room was what appeared to be a UFO. It was about 20 metres in diameter and painted dark blue, it rested on a tripod and was about 2 metres off the ground. To one side there was a flight of steps leading into the saucer.

'Is this a real UFO?' asked Jessica.

'It certainly is; it's one of the most guarded secrets we have. Few people outside this building know about it,' replied John.

'What does the Prime Minister think of this place?' asked Jessica.

'What we have here is much too secret to be trusted to any politician, they are far too untrustworthy, can you imagine any of the politicians we have had in the last few years being trusted with anything. No it's far better they are kept in ignorance to match their ignorance in other matters. What we have is even more important than any country,' replied John.

'When did you build it?' asked Jessica.

'Who said we built it,' was the reply.

'Wow! You mean that this is a real UFO?' exclaimed Jessica.

'Your job will be to find out as much as you can about this machine. What we know so far is that despite Einstein this UFO did travel at Trans-light speeds,' said John.

'Why me?' asked Jessica.

'When you meet your mentor he will tell you everything,' replied John.

They walked around the UFO to the steps, then they made their way into the machine. There was a gentle humming showing it was alive.

As they crossed the threshold the humming note changed.

'That's strange, the note's changed; all the time I've known this ship the humming note has been constant, still let's carry on,' said John.

They went into the control room which was lined with various pieces of equipment, and two seats in front of a large screen.

As they entered, various bits of equipment around the room started to come to life.

'This is unusual, I think I'll get the rest of the team,' said John as he made his way to the door, but before he could get there it slid shut.

'That's funny,' said Jessica, 'I just thought that I didn't want to leave and the door closed.'

'Please think it open again as I need to go,' said John with a quaver in this voice.

'Certainly,' said Jessica

The door slid open and John made his way out saying, 'You had better come with me.'

'No, you go I'll stay and play,' replied Jessica.

John didn't waste any time arguing, he left as quickly as he could.

Strangely, Jessica felt she had some affinity with the ship; it seemed to speak to her. She sat in front of the large screen. She wondered if she could get the screen to work. She thought, show me the map of the world.

The screen started to glow with strange lettering, but Jessica felt that she could understand what they meant, it was like page one of an extraterrestrial Windows Programme; Microsoft seems to get everywhere thought Jessica.

'Show me the map,' said Jessica,

'Certainly,' said an unknown voice.

The screen showed a map of the world.

'Who said that?' asked Jessica.

'I did,' replied the voice

'Who are you?' asked Jessica.

'I'm the Controller. I've been waiting for someone with the right type of brain waves that could interface with the ship. I have passed time waiting for you by listening to the radio and learning the planet's languages,' replied the Controller.

'In time I'll ask you to bring to me people I've heard to on the radio,' continued the Controller.

'Who do you wish to speak to?' asked Jessica, expecting the Controller to list the world leaders.

'I have been monitoring the works of a special individual who has shown great expertise in organising his companions, in solving many problems,' replied the Controller.

'Well who is he?' asked Jessica.

'He goes under the title of Bob the Builder, will you bring him to me,' replied the Controller.

'He's not real, he's a cartoon character, but I'll bring you his video if you like,' said Jessica with a smile in her voice.

'Oh! Not real? How about Homer Simpson?' asked the Controller.

'He's the same,' laughed Jessica.

'Where do you come from?' asked Jessica, changing the subject.

'From what you call Alpha Centauri,' replied the Controller.

'Why have come here?'

'I'm part of a research group looking for life,' replied the Controller.

'Are you here for our good or for the good of your planet?' asked Jessica.

'What would be the answer to that question if an alien was to ask it of an earthling traveller. What did the Europeans say to the North American Indians when they landed in America?' asked the Controller.

'We come in peace,' replied Jessica.

'What happened to the Indians?' asked the Controller.

Before she could answer, suggesting that multiculturalism is the latest theory about how people should integrate, John returned with Jessica's Mentor.

'Hello Jessica,' said her mentor.

Jessica turned to see who had called her name.

'Uncle Stephen, it's you,' exclaimed Jessica.

'It is, you don't think you came here by chance do you?' replied Uncle Stephen.

'Wake up, Jessica I've been calling you, you've been asleep all of the afternoon. Uncle Stephen is on the 'phone asking if you want a job with the MoD at Foulness,' said Jessica's mother.