Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

April 2015

The Telephone Cold Caller - Diane Silverston

'There's a call for you Diane. I think it is someone selling something.'

As Diane took the phone from her friend, she had a strange look on her face.


'Can I speak to Diane please?'

'Who's calling?'

'It's Stuart . . .'

'Stuart how lovely to hear from you. When did you get back? Did you have a good holiday? How are Mary and the children, did they cope well with the long journey?'

'I'm afraid I'm not that Stuart. I'm . . .'

'You can't be Stuart from New York surely. I haven't heard from you for simply ages, well at least 10 years. What memories I have of our time together.'

'No, no, I'm Stuart from Everest . . .'

'Not John and Angela's son, they said you had taken up climbing again but Everest, surely that's a real challenge, well I am impressed.'

'No Madam I'm Stuart from Everest Windows and . . .'

Suddenly the line went dead as Diane pushed down the button before replacing the phone. As she turned she now had a very wry smile on her face.