Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

February 2015

The curious incident of the missing link - Diane Silverston

Started the day my computer went on the blink.
It started to go exceedingly slow,
Then my files it refused to show.
Many friends said they had me e-mailed,
Once again my computer seemed to have failed.
It wouldn't receive and it wouldn't send,
What had happened? I couldn't comprehend.
To Computer Solutions my computer I took,
A friendly young man said he'd take a look.
Two days later I went it to get,
No problem's found. All was set.
Got it home and tried it again,
Still no joy, I couldn't explain.
Finally to TalkTalk I made that call,
Seven different people I spoke to in all!
To test the line was their intent,
A day, annoyed, at home I spent.
Nearly a week has gone quite fast,
Is there hope, finally, at last?
A new router was sent in the post,
Technology, the thing I hate the most.
A U3A friend came round to my house,
Worked on my router, computer and mouse.
Suddenly green lights, flickering can be seen,
A message eventually appears on the screen.
I thought we had found the missing link,
A flicker of hope, just a chink.
I had Internet Access for about half an hour,
Then unfortunately things turned again sour.
I went to the post a letter to send,
Whilst I was out a call from a friend.
When I phoned her a reply,
What do you think I did spy?
Oh no, a solid red internet light,
That must be wrong, it can't be right.
What do you think it is about me,
That causes failure of technology?
The link found is lost once again,
Is it lost in a continuous chain?
This problem is having a negative impact,
On my daily life and that is a fact.
So here I am back to square one,
I'm really not having very much fun.
Next morning another call on it's way,
To someone at TalkTalk, I have to say.
My Internet access still was not correct,
Please could you do something to help me connect?
Another conversation, just the same,
I think they find it part of a game.
That day I tried to send an e-mail.
I hoped and prayed it wouldn't fail!
Later I heard it had got through,
Honestly, it's really true!
When I turned it on a message to send.
There were eight e-mails for me to attend.
Has the link finally been connected?
Has the problem really been corrected?
I have tried an e-mail with attached file,
Now all we do is wait for a while.
Will a reply come, will it show?
Fingers crossed cos you never know.
This poem to read I'm intending,
Although at present it hasn't an ending.