Southend U3A

The Rivals - Diane Silverston

March 2013

Christopher and Jonathan had known each other all their lives. They had always done everything together, played, learnt, cried and got up to mischief. They could read each other's minds and feelings, and finish each other's sentences without any problem. They supported each other and stood against the World side by side. They had shared a nursery, gone to school together and shared a room together at college. They both had the same outlook on life, same hobbies, same talents. They were alike in every way, height, looks and fashion. Not surprising as they were identical twins. Kit was 25 minutes older than Jon, which he often, jokingly, reminded his younger brother.

However today, they were standing opposite each other, across the table. They were red-faced and angry, almost speechless, glaring at each other with fierce glinting eyes. They had never felt this way towards each other before, but today it was as if they hated each other. Unfortunately they could both feel how the other one felt, furious and unable to cope with these negative vibes rushing through their heads and bodies. What was happening to them? Could something so normal cause them both so much anger and heartbreak? The atmosphere in the room was tense.

'You just assume,' spluttered Jon, 'that you can have anything you want. Just because you're the Earl, you assume it is your right. You already have everything! It's not fair!'

Kit went white. Jon had never used that as an argument before. They had always just known that Kit would inherit the title and estate. How had things come to this?

It all stemmed from that evening, four weeks ago. They were at the Halfour's party; the coming out ball for their niece. It was just another ball in the merry-go-round of the season. There had been so many such parties, soirees and picnics, meeting the same people, the families and friends who made up 'the ton'. The difference at this ball was that they had met the niece, Annalise, a pretty young lady, who had made her mark on several young men, including Kit and Jon.

During those following weeks, they had danced with her, walked and driven with her, and had become her favoured partners.

Now here they were, this morning, staring at each other across the table in Lady Halfour's reception room. They had arrived within minutes of each other, both wishing to see Annalise. The atmosphere in the room seemed to have suddenly got more tense.

Just as Kit was about to speak, the door opened.

Lord and Lady Halfour entered, followed by Annalise, who had her hand on the arm of a tall, impeccably dressed gentleman.

'Why Christopher and Jonathan, how delightful to see you.' Lady Halfour came forward as she spoke. 'I'm sorry we kept you waiting, but we have had some exciting news.' She turned slightly, looking towards her niece. 'Annalise has just become betrothed to Lord Rotherham.'

Kit felt shocked and glanced at his brother. Jon had gone pale and his eyes were staring.

'Congratulations to you both,' Kit said, going forward to shake Lord Rotherham's hand.

Years of training helped him, and he could hear his mother's voice in his head, 'Always remember to behave correctly, be polite in all situations, good manners cost nothing.' He was pleased to notice that Jon had followed suit and congratulated the couple.

'We've actually come to say farewell.' Kit had turned to speak to Lord and Lady Halfour. ' We are leaving London for a few days to return to the Priory to see Mama and the girls. We felt we couldn't leave without saying goodbye.'

Kit managed to get himself and Jon out of the room, and the house, without any fuss.

A few hours later, the two brothers were in the family carriage, heading away from the town house towards Yorkshire.

'I'm sorry.' Jon managed to say. 'I didn't mean it. I don't know what came over me. A form of madness, I think.'

Kit gave a wry smile and saw it reflected in the face opposite him. Surely things would return to normal once they got home? They could become friends again. After all this had been a short time out of their life together. Another wry smile passed between the twins as they settled back for the journey.