Southend U3A

Returning Home - Joan Bond

September 2012

After a few months Joanna realised she had made a big mistake.

The constant noise of the sea crashing against the rocks, and the seagulls crying all the time was driving her mad. She tried turning out the light one night and had a very irate captain contacting her as his ship had almost come to grief on the rocks. She was also tired of dried milk, the The coop dropped her off supplies once a month but its not satisfactory shopping on line, you cant really touch and smell things and if they havent any oranges in when you order they will just as likely send melons instead.

In periods of bad weather they wont even drop off the papers and she hated it when not being able to complete a crossword and the next paper so long coming you have forgotten the question.

She also missed her friends popping in for a gossip, her radio, ship to shore seemed to get fed up with her calling them for a chat.

She coulnt think of a way of selling her home this time as their wasnt much call for lighthouse acomodation . Until, she had the idea of setting up a pirate radio. The old ship to shore was ideal for broadcasting messages to others and she knew lots of gossip and had a few records into the bargain.

She contacted her old mates and asked them to send her some music tapes and Flawy brought them herself with a case or two and decided to move in.

Joanna slung a hammock for her to sleep and between them they opened up a chanel in the airways . They chatted on to people about their life and the fun they had had. also giving out recepes In between play ing records of times past. People started sending letters and requests so much so they had to open up the channel for three hours each day.

l ace book picked up the programs and it became the new excitement to call the old girls for tips on just about anything. They had lived eighty years in sometimes hardship an of course the war. Make do and mend, simple cheap ways to keep healthy too.

The coastguards were complaining that the station was interfering with their signals but as their were no official guards anymore as the government had decided the sea could do without them, they didnt have any sway.

Well publicity grew folks backed them to the hilt as they did not want to lose to lose/the program. In fact the news had a helicopter hovering on the lighthouse roof taking pictures of the Great Old Girls.

Someone in the government decided that enough was enough and they wanted their lighthouse back but someone else wished to buy in to what could be a profitable proposition.

It had become a little wearying for the girls to find new things to say each day and the hammock was playing the devil with Flavies Arthititus so they decided to sell the rites and the lighthouse to Sky and up and left.

Joanna with the help of a delightful young agent found a lovely resort with a comfortable rest home flat andtook well to the quiet life , for a month or two then thought What can I get up to now.