Southend U3A

It's All A Lottery - Diane Silverston

March 2012

Evelyn and Jack had been searching for months now. They had looked locally, travelled to the outskirts of the town, and even visited some of the villages nearby, but always to be disappointed.

They had scoured through newspapers, looked in agents windows and discussed the problem with their friends and neighbours. They hadn't expected it to be so difficult, after all, their budget was reasonable. Perhaps their expectations were too high; they needed to make some compromises.

Here they were, once again, out and about, looking for that elusive ideal. They had been driving for some time with not a word said between them. Should they go on, or give it up for today?

As they turned around the corner, there it was. A huge board . . .


Jack pulled the car into the kerb, they both got out and looked at the information.

"It's today," said Evelyn, "10am – 2pm."

"It's 12:30 now." replied Jack, "It's worth a look."

They got back into the car and Jack drove until he found a better parking space. They got out, looked at each other and started to walk back along the pavement to the house.

They were met at the gate by a young man in a suit; he was clutching a clipboard and was looking very official.

"Good afternoon, can I help you?"

"We were interested in the house for sale. Would it be possible for us to have a look?"

"Certainly; could I have your name please?"

"Mr and Mrs Alward."

"Thank you; here is the information pack. Please follow me."

The young man led them up the pathway. As they saw the house properly, Evelyn and Jack looked at each other and smiled. It was a double bow windowed Georgian property.

They were met at the open door by an older couple, who invited them in, explaining that, now their family had moved away, they wanted to find somewhere smaller for themselves.

Evelyn and Jack could hardly contain their joy as they viewed the large lounge, kitchen dining area and four bedrooms. When they were taken through the conservatory out into a very good sized garden, they knew it was the place for them to start their family, and watch them grow there.

As they left they spoke once again to the young man at the gate. He explained the procedure if they wanted to offer for the property. He told them what the asking price was, and went through the form at the back of the information pack with them. Anyone who was interested would need to put in their offer to the agents by 6pm that evening, and then just wait to hear whether they had been successful or not.

"Without knowing what others had offered? No chance to up our own offer?" asked Jack.

"I'm afraid so sir. It's a bit like a lottery."

Evelyn and Jack walked back to their car and got in. They decided to find somewhere to discuss the possibilities.

After a short while they decided to go for it, take a chance, put in a reasonable offer and hope their gamble paid off.