Southend U3A

A Ghost Story - Mavis Sipple

November 2011

'Evening, Colonel, your usual?'

'Please, and one for yourself.

'Cheers. Miserable old night, that mist is coming up with a vengeance. 'Evening, Jack, pint?'

Jack slid onto the stool next to the Colonel.

'Thanks. Not busy tonight then?'

'No, Halloween, there's a big party on this evening.'

'Of course, All Saint's Day tomorrow, the ghosts'll be abroad tonight.'

'Absolute rubbish, no such thing as ghosts.' The Colonel drained his glass and replaced it on the bar.

' I'm not so sure, Jack here has seen one up in the churchyard, a ghostly figure in white wandering between the graves.'

'Nonsense; anyway nothing to be scared of.'

'I would be.'

'It'd take more than a ghost to scare me. Anyway better be off. Good night.'

'Night, Colonel; mind how you go across the churchyard.'

The Colonel shrugged into his coat and stepped out into the filthy foggy night. Despite his boast, he decided to skirt round the church yard and take the longer route across the Common. As he walked he was conscious of rustling in the trees. He hurried on, pulling up his collar against the biting cold damp mist. He had an uneasy feeling there was something evil around him. He glanced cautiously round, behind him, a vague white shape materialised in the mist. Imagination, he thought, but quickened his step. Another glance behind, and the shape was becoming more defined, with an eerie glow and it was advancing. The Colonel began to run, the shape moved closer, the Colonel ran faster, panting and gasping for breath. Finally reaching his cottage, he flung open the door, scurried inside, and slammed the door shut, shot the bolt and, back to the door, he slithered down and sat shaking on the floor, finally recovering enough to take a stiff Glenfiddich or two and he stopped shaking enough take himself up to bed.

'Evening, Colonel, not so bad tonight.'

'No. My usual, one for yourself and one for you, Jack. '

'Yes, thanks, I'll have a half. You got home safely last night then?'

'Yes, of course.'

'Just wondered if you came across any ghouls and ghosts?'

'No such thing; anyway I told you they don't frighten me.'

'Oh is that so.'

'Definitely – I don't believe in them.'

'So you say, Colonel, but you didn't half run when you saw our kid in his fancy dress skeleton costume last night!'