Southend U3A

The Far Future - Richard Dobson

September 2011

Many generations from now people will be living in the far future but they won't know it, because, of course, they will be living in their present – just as our present was the far future to our distant ancestors.

The mysterious arrow of time
Leads us, without choice, to where?
It may seem like a mountain to climb;
But to know of our fate, would we dare?

The longer we live, the more has gone by
The future's extent we cannot foresee.
'How far is the future?' a lone voice doth cry;
But, the prophet has told us, what will be, will be.

So, waiting is all, and the best, we can do
'How far is the future?' will we ever be told?
We could learn everything – but regret that we knew;
So, remain and be patient – seek not to grow old.

But what if the future is not there?
Some say 'reality' is all in the mind.
If this is true then should we care?
Do not look, in case you find.

Of course, the question of the future gets gets a bit more complicated when we consider space travel. One theory (which may be fact) is that extremely distant stars exploded and disappeared many years ago; but we think they still exist because the light from them has not yet finished reaching us – such are the vast distances involved (and we're talking light-years here).

So, if and when deep space travel becomes a reality the situation could arise where a space craft, and crew, could, simultaneously, be travelling into the future, as measured by Earth time and back in time as measured by Greater Universe Time. When our intrepid voyagers finally reach their destination star they may find it no longer exists!

As they sometimes still say, up North, 'Think On!'