Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

January 2020

The Seven Deadly Sins - Jan Norman

Sins and Virtues; what a difference a day makes

Glen was rudely awoken by gleeful screams of ‘Santa’s been. Mum, Dad Santa’s been. Can we open our presents?’

Groaning and rolling over to find comfort and solace in his wife’s arms he only found a cold empty space and the bed clothes turned back. The alarm clock clock showed it was barely six. He groaned again. His head thumped and his stomach churned painfully reminding him of his Xmas Eve excesses celebrating his promotion at work with his mates. Succumbing to temptation he yanked the bedclothes back over his ears and greedily sank, once again, into the pain free arms of Morpheus.


Glen was, once again rudely awoken but this time by Shirley, his long suffering wife.‘Come on Glen, for Gods sake, get up; its Xmas. We’re waiting for you. Its gone eight. Harry has just texted. He and Gloria are on their way and bringing Mum. I’ve let the kids open their stockings but I can’t contain them any longer.

9 am

Finally washed and dressed bleary eyed Glen sat slumped in a lounge chair nursing a mug of strong coffee. Chris, Charlie and young Sarah sat on the floor ripping open presents, shrieking and shouting in delight at every toy revealed. His Mum sat in a hard chair near the table talking non stop to daughter in law Gloria about the terrifying ordeal of her last operation. Brother Harry sat on the sofa munching a mince pie and making desultory small talk to Shirley, when she was in the room that is, as she was constantly diving out to the kitchen to further her preparations for their gargantuan Christmas dinner.


The doorbell rang. Shouted at by Shirley, Glen with drink in one hand; and mince pie in the other reluctantly shifted himself to let in their elderly neighbour Doris. Charitable Shirley had, as usual, thought of those less fortunate and invited the lonely old widow for Xmas cheer and dinner.

As he was introducing her to his family Shirley shouted once more. Could he take orders for drinks and hand round the snacks?

Annoyed he complied but complained to Shirley in the kitchen that he was not her scivvy. She replied hotly that she was not his servant. Tempers rose and words flew. His wrath knew no bounds and he stormed out of the kitchen, grabbed his coat and disappeared out the back door to walk and work off his spleen and sore head.


Walking he met Fred from number twenty. He was a retired workmate. He boasted that his son had bought him a computer for Xmas. What did Glen think of that? Envy reared its green and ugly head and Glen coveted Fred’s present. Unable to be charitable he did not reply merely boasting of his recent promotion and forgetting to even ask how Fred’s wife was managing even though he knew her to be very ill. Fred walked on feeling a little hurt at Glen’s selfish pride.


His ‘phone rang. Shirley curtly reminded him that dinner was being served and if he did not want his share to go in the bin then he had better hurry back.


Dinner had come and gone. Shirley had done him and the family proud. Glen boasted to all at the table of how lucky he was to have such a good cook for a wife whilst giving his brother a meaningful look across the table as he said it as it was a standing joke that Harry’s wife was an awful cook and a mean hostess and he wanted to get one up on his big brother. Having marginally placated his wife with his words he had alienated his brother and sister in law. Oblivious to it all he promptly swigged down yet another glass of wine, pinched the last of the pigs in blankets and bagging the armchair that poor old Doris was taking shaky steps toward promptly fell fast asleep and snored loudly.


Shirley acutely aware of Glen’s bad behaviour plied her family with alcohol and witty repartee and acted as if she was the happiest women in the world but inside felt sad and hollow. What had happened to the man she had fallen in love with. Why was he so uncaring? He had just been promoted at work. He should be over the moon. Was it her? Had he fallen out of love with her or worse still was he in love with someone else? Shaking herself she knew now was not the time or place to resolve this as the day was far from over and she had things to do. There were the preparations for this evening’s party.

She shooed all the children upstairs; put little Sarah to bed and encouraged the elder two to to play quietly until their bedtime.


Nearly all guests had arrived; friends and family eager to eat drink and be merry. The music had been ramped up and conversation hard to hear. Next door neighbours the other side to Doris, Pam and Ted, had just arrived and Glen ushered Ted into the lounge after taking his coat and turned to Pam.

She smiled provocatively and Glen felt his pulse begin to race. God, he fancied her and by the way she was responding to his deliberate innuendos he knew she fancied him. Stepping close and almost caressing her out of her coat he mused: an affair? Was that something he wanted? Before he could make up his mind Shirley entered the hall and looking from one to the other caught the intimate mood. Shaken she hastily tried to cover her discomposure and admonished Glen. ‘Come on slow coach, take Pam’s coat and hang it up for her won’t you? Taking her arm she firmly steered her towards the lounge saying that she must be dying for a drink. What would she like?

Glen knowing Shirley had seen the lustful exchange bitterly regretted even contemplating an affair and at a loss to know how to mend the situation wandered into the kitchen and poured himself a drink.


Finally everyone had gone. In silence Shirley and Glen climbed into bed and pretended to go to sleep. In her troubled mind Shirley shouted questions at Glen, ‘What the hell was the matter with you today? You must have committed all of the seven deadly sins. Some even more than once. Why? What’s wrong? Why today of all days?

Glen equally troubled silently begged Shirley to understand and forgive. It is my promotion. I fear I’ll fail in my new management role, lose your love, the respect of my workers and perhaps even lose my job. I won’t be a man any more. How can I tell you this? Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I will show you how virtuous I can be and perhaps we can forget today.

All this goes to show that the Severn Deadly Sins and the Seven Virtues are Mankind’s condition and are battled daily.