Southend U3A

Writing for Fun

September 2016

Double Doppleganger - Reg Pound

Their physical likeness was uncanny. Their different accents was not surprising. Hans was German. Pierre was French. Carlo was Italian. Manuel was Spanish.

They were each enrolled in the English as a Foreign Language course at the local Adult Education class. Others in the class were a mixture of nationalities, but they were all Europeans.

What was unusual about these four students was the colour of their hair. They were all ginger haired.

The class was halfway through the course. The basics had already been covered and the tutor was trying to get the students to be familiar with finding information through the Internet. The current exercise was to, as far as possible, trace their family tree or family background through international internet links.

The results were illuminating.

Whilst most of the class came up with diverse histories, Hans, Pierre, Carlo, Manuel, each traced their mother’s side of the family quite well and with a variety of histories. When it came to the father’s side, none of them got any further than the immediate past generation. They each found that there was no definite history of their father. Only that the father of each of them was a soldier whose regiment was part of NATO forces who at various times had been posted to Germany, Spain, Italy and France.