Her earliest memories of the world were of great heat and being squeezed. Then she remembers nothing until that day he pulled her out of the blue mud that encased her.
He was alone when he saw her in the mud, he fell to his knees and lifted her and held her and saw that she would have beauty once the mud had been washed away. He carried her to the nearest stream and watched her as the clear water of the stream washed the mud from her.
He could see almost at once that she would have value if he could traffic her in the nearest town, he knew that there were men there only too willing to buy her. From this trade he may be able to leave the village where he was born, buy a small farm and educate his children. That would be in the future now he had to protect her before he could sell her.
At that time she had little knowledge of the ways of the world and the greed of men and what they will do to satisfy that greed. To her it was all new and she not knowing if it would prove to be an experience for good or ill.
He arrived in the local town and made his way to the saloon where he knew that such transactions are sometimes made. He was fortunate that as he arrived in the saloon the group of men who may do such a deal were drinking at the bar.
He approached them and explained what he wanted. He had brought her into the bar with him and they could see that she had a lot of potential but not in this small town, elsewhere she could make them a lot of money if she was properly exploited.
One by one these men ran their rough hands over her not leaving any part of her a mystery.
'How much do you want for her?' asked their leader.
'At least two thousand,' he replied.
The men all burst out laughing.
'She has no papers, you only picked her up so what rights to her do you have? No we will give you 500 for her, no more.'
'You can have her for 1500.' he replied.
'A thousand that's our last offer.'
'Done,' he said and they shook hands on the deal.
She now became their property for them to do with her as they pleased.
He left with his money and left her to her destiny. Her new owners one by one once again spent time with her and when they were satisfied, she was locked up in a back room.
They could see that they had to traffic her on if they wanted to make real money out of her fine attributes, there just weren't enough people in their small town who could pay their price for her.
Their leader 'phoned a contact in Johannesburg. It so happened that the Jo'burg contact was in touch with a trader recently arrived from Amsterdam. Amsterdam being a city where they have the places where her potential may be fully exploited to anyone who has the money.
It was soon agreed that their contact would bring the Dutchman to their small town and if they could agree a price, a deal would be done and she would be smuggled into Europe and a paper trail created for her.
When he arrived they all went into the back room where she was being kept under lock and key. The Dutchman like other men before him ran his fingers over her and inspected her very closely, finally he could see that potentially she had great beauty beneath her somewhat rough exterior and she could make him a lot of money, but not here, she had to be trafficked into Europe.
'I'll give you 20,000 for her,' said the Dutchman.
They were shocked at the price they had been offered, they had only expected 3000. At once they agreed the price and she now yet again fell into the hands of another man who would do his best to exploit her.
She remembers very little of the next few weeks as she was hidden away and could see nothing of what was going on. All she remembered was that she felt so alone and began to feel the cold of Europe.
Finally she arrived at his premises in Amsterdam. Once again she was surrounded by men all anxiously wanting to see her as her reputation had gone before.
At long last she passed into the hands of his experts. Their task to identify her best points and grind her down so she would conform and become a very polished example, fit for the company of the very highest in the land. When they had finished with her she was perhaps the most beautiful example of her kind. At that moment as the Dutchman looked at her he could see that she had great value but even the Netherlands was not a big enough market to realise her full value. He had to circulate her sale on the Internet around a very select and closed market.
Meanwhile in England
'As you are on holiday from school and it's your 16th birthday, I'm going to take you to Amsterdam for your birthday present. It's about time you had more experience and that you begin to know more of the ways of the world,' said his father.
'Amsterdam, what's so special about Amsterdam?' asked his son.
'You will see they are more open to the reality of the world' replied his father.
A few days later they had flown to Amsterdam and he and his father were walking the streets making their way to where the trade was to take place.
Finally they arrived at the building, there in the window she rested surrounded by red lights that played over her to show her to the world.
'When we go inside there will be a lot of men and possibly women. If they speak to you, you must remember they are the top people. The men you will address as Sir and the ladies as Madam, as that is their traditional title. Is that clear?' said his father.
In the room there were rows of chairs and in front of them was a raised platform, in fact it was set out just like a normal auction room. But he knew this was special place because as soon as the people were assembled the doors were locked.
The auction started and some lesser examples of her trafficked sisters were paraded on the platform and procured for further exploitation.
Finally she was taken from the window where she had been on display and taken to the platform where the auction for her began.
'She is a Paragon and a beautiful example of her kind, as you can see she is as clear as water, polished and refined by experts to ensure that she will grace anyone who possesses her. If there were more kings left in the world they would fight to possess her. She is the finest of her type. She is perfect and puts the Koh-i-noor diamond into the shade. She is 120 carats of the finest white diamond. She has the beauty to grace the neck or crown of any beautiful woman,' said the auctioneer.
'Who will start the bidding?'
'Ten million?' was made as the opening bid.
'Dad why do we refer to her as a She?' asked his son.
'In the eyes of any man, things of great beauty deserve the title of the female, because what is more beautiful than a beautiful woman,' replied his father.